Security Officers' Corner

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Welcome to the Office of Security & Safety

The Office of Security and Safety/School Security Officer means an individual who is employed by the Asbury Park Unified School District Board of Education with the blessings of the Superintendent of Schools for the purpose of maintaining order and discipline, preventing crime, investigating violations of school board policies, security and safety protocols and detaining students violating the law or school board policies, security and safety protocols on school property or at school-sponsored events. A school security officer is also responsible for ensuring the safety, security, and welfare of all students, faculty, staff, and visitors at an assigned school.

The VISION of the Office of Security and Safety (OSS) is to be RELEVANT, READY and RESPONSIVE to all who attend and work in the Asbury Park Unified School District.

The MISSION of the Office of Security and Safety is to assist the Superintendent of Schools in her mission in educating children and providing a safe environment for them to learn. So our mission is clear, provide for the safety and security of students, staff, faculty, volunteers, contractors and patrons of Asbury Park Unified School District. We will work in a proactive manner to locate and identify potential hazards and/or criminal activity. The OSS Department is charged with the responsibility of:

  • Providing a high quality student service
  • Maintaining peace and harmony within the school itself
  • Treat students, staff and all people with respect and sensitivity.
  • To respond automatically to signs of threat or aggression towards our students, staff or the Asbury Park School District.
  • Perform our security and safety duties professionally without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, sexual orientation, or differing abilities.
  • Maintaining our position as an integral part of the school community; a department that is widely respected and trusted.
  • Maintaining a safe and secure environment for the school district.
    • Identify and eliminating potential hazards and/or opportunities for crime and criminal activity.
    • Assist in working with staff to reduce and/or eliminate truancy in Asbury Park schools.
    • Conduct aggressive and proactive security patrols to deter and detect crime and/or manmade or natural safety hazards.
    • Provide assistance to school administrators dealing with disruptions to the school or school environment.
    • Establish crime prevention, emergency response and safety programs designed to educate the community and school staff in the event of a criminal act or school emergency.
    • Complete security reports to document illegal or inappropriate activity on school properties or adjacent property.
    • Enforce District policy, procedures and security protocols as well as school law (18A) and Criminal law (2C: and 12A).
    • To work in partnership with the School Resource Officers (SRO’s) assigned to the district
    • Provide high quality student service
    • Maintain peace and harmony within the Asbury Park Unified School District
    • Treat all people with respect and sensitivity
    • Perform our duties without regard to race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, age, gender, or differing abilities or emotions
    • Maintain its position as an integral part of the school community; a security department that is widely respected and trusted.

Our security officers will provide full cooperation and assistance to students, staff, faculty, volunteers and visitors at all times

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